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A crucial thing to consider when remodelling your bathroom

A crucial thing to consider when remodelling your bathroom
Category: Our Blog
Posted: 03-26-2012 20:35
Views: 8229
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For those of us who dream of transforming our bathrooms into luxurious spas, there’s nothing more enjoyable than leafing through our favorite home decorating magazines, admiring the latest colour schemes, light fixtures and vanities. But we often overlook one important detail:  the inteligent toilet.

A crucial thing to consider when remodelling your bathroom

For those of us who dream of transforming our bathrooms into luxurious spas, there’s nothing more enjoyable than leafing through our favorite home decorating magazines, admiring the latest colour schemes, light fixtures and vanities. But we often overlook one important detail:  the toilet.

For many people who are building or renovating, choosing the right toilet for the bathroom is one of the most important – and overlooked – decisions that can be make. Let’s face it, most of us would prefer eyeing lustrous tile samples than walking down the toilet aisle. But choosing the right toilet can mean the difference between turning your bathroom into a sanctuary or just another water guzzling loo. 

And because the average person spends a total of three years of their life sitting on the darn thing, it merits our attention.

Home Market Deals proposes we rethink our definition of a toilet by introducing us to its Neocleanse model – a new breed of self-cleaning, energy efficient toilets that are not only elegant, but a real treat to sit on. With its front and rear warm water swing-washing nozzle for rinse or massage, this inteligent toilet goes beyond the call of duty – so to speak.

And its automatic, temperature controlled heated seat finally lets you enjoy the experience of sitting on a warm toilet seat. In other words, just knowing that the seat wasn’t warmed by someone else’s butt is like savoring a sweet piece of hard candy straight out of the candy store as opposed to one that’s been buried in an old man’s pocket for the past decade. 

Ok, we may be exaggerating. But the experience truly isn’t the same.

For those of us who care about our planet, HMD’s star toilet boasts a power saving energy function and an innovative flushing system that helps you reduce the amount of energy and water you consume. The auto-cleaning nozzle and “Intelligent Clean” surfacing also means you’ll spend less time cleaning it.

We’re happy to let you know that the Neocleanse inteligent toilet is currently on sale and well worth considering as you plan to transform your blah bathroom into a stylish and blissful haven. 

In the meantime, we’d love to hear about your plans for refreshing or remodelling your bathroom! Tell us, what’s your idea of a dream bathroom?

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