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Home Market Deals Romance "To Do" List

Home Market Deals Romance "To Do" List
Category: Our Blog
Posted: 02-08-2012 14:05
Views: 7395
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Home Market Deals has a list of suggestions to get you started on a romantic path this February 14th!



Romance is what sparks the pleasurable feelings of excitement for many people. It is often associated with mystery and love. Valentine’s Day provides us with a staged opportunity to express that love and excitement by connecting with another person. It’s a time to nurture our compassion and appreciation of others and remind ourselves of the good human qualities we possess. Given that the best kind of love ignites the soul by planting a fire in our hearts and bringing peace to our minds, Home Market Deals has a list of suggestions to get you started on a romantic path this February 14th:



  • Strategically place an AmbionAir Flame wall mounted electric fireplace in the bedroom (or any other room) where you can benefit from the ambiance and warmth. With a wall mount electric fireplace you will appreciate the versatility of design and installation, placing it wherever you want to create an intimate tone and atmosphere.
  • Set the mood by playing some soft, romantic music. Classical music is usually a safe bet, as are jazz and soul.
  • Fill the room with a dramatic array of flowers to add visual interest as well as inexpensive elegance. It can be your favorite flowers or something more traditional like roses. Since ancient times, the rose has been a symbol of love, passion, and perfection. Show your love and sensitivity by choosing a rose by its name and not just by its color or fragrance.
  • Compose a poem or personalize a card with a written expression of your love for your significant other. What you love most of this person, how it happened that you fell in love with this person, how they have enriched your life, etc.
  • Inspire yourselves by watching a romantic movie together, like:  The Notebook, Casablanca, An Affair To Remember, Somewhere In Time, Titanic, Ghost, Pretty Woman, The Princess Bride, The Holiday, Doctor Zhivago, Braveheart, Sleepless In Seattle, Romeo and Juliet, The Lake House, Roman Holiday, Breakfast At Tiffany’s or An Officer And A Gentleman.
  • Have a box of chocolates, a bottle of wine and/or oysters on a bed of ice (do it all if you can!!). Chocolate is known to reportedly stimulate passion and increase sexual satisfaction. Casanova supposedly considered chocolate an elixir and drank it daily to increase his amorous energy. He also consumed oysters each day to keep his libido in top form.  According to the research of
    Dr. Max Lake, author of the book Scents and Sensuality, the aromas of certain wines can spark arousal. Earthy scents of red wines come closest to resembling male pheromones (which signal attraction in the brain), whereas female pheromones are best represented by the earthy scents found in white and sparkling wines.


Do you have other ideas on how to stir-up some romance? Share your comments with us!

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