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Nothing beats hot chocolate on a cold winter day!

Nothing beats hot chocolate on a cold winter day!
Category: Our Blog
Posted: 01-11-2012 10:25
Views: 15279
Comments: 2 [Read/Post]


When the temperature drops there's nothing like a hot cup of cocoa or hot chocolate!


It's comforting, it makes the kitchen smell wonderful and it's good for the soul (tastes pretty good too!!). Here is one of our favorite recipes. Think your recipe is the best? Post it in your reply!


Serves 4


3 cups (750ml) milk, divided

1 cup (250) 35% whipping cream, divided

1/4 cup (50ml) granulated sugar

1/4 cup (50ml) unsweetened cocoa powder

pinch salt 

1 teaspoon (5ml) vanilla


In a saucepan, heat 2 1/2 cups (625ml) milk and 3/4 cup (175ml) of the whipping cream over medium heat, stirring often, until steaming. Meanwhile, in a bowl, whisk together sugar, cocoa and salt. Whisk in remaining 1/2 cup (125ml) cold milk and vanilla to make a smooth paste. Reduce heat to medium-low and gradually whisk cocoa mixture into hot milk mixture until blended.  Heat for about two minutes or until steaming hot. In small chilled bowl, using electric mixer or whisk, whip remaining whipping cream until thick. Ladle hot chocolate into four warmed mugs. Dollop whipped cream evenly into each mug;stir to swirl lightly. Serve immediately and enjoy!  

Comments on Nothing beats hot chocolate on a cold winter day!

Patrick 01-12-2012 15:43
There is a winter storm out there now and my wife just made me a warming hot chocolate from your recipe, its DELICIOUS! ! ! , Thank-you Home Market Deals.
Mona. S. 01-12-2012 15:42
Tried your recipe WOW!
Just in time we got lots of snow here today in Springfield :)

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